Court and judge/magistrate:Alyangula Local Court (Judge O'Loughlin)
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 330-10(1) CATSI Act
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
s. 330-10(1) CATSI Act
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
s. 330-10(1) CATSI Act
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
Failure to lodge general, financial and auditor's reports for 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.
Convicted and fined $1,500 for charges 1, 4 and 7, and $3,500 for charges 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9. Ordered to pay costs of $117.00.
Prosecution outcome for Boonwurrung Land and Sea Council Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 8736)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Boonwurrung Land and Sea Council Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 8736)
Court and judge/magistrate:Melbourne Magistrates Court (Magistrate Hartnett)
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 348-1 CATSI Act
s. 348-1 CATSI Act
s. 348-1 CATSI Act
s. 348-1 CATSI Act
Charge proven but dismissed without penalty under s. 19B Crimes Act 1914 upon recognizance to be of good behaviour for 12 months and a surety of $1000.
Prosecution outcomes for Djinda Bridiya Wellbeing Australian Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 9273)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Djinda Bridiya Wellbeing Australian Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 9273)
Court and judge/magistrate:Perth Magistrates Court (Watt T)
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 330-10(1) CATSI Act
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
Proven and fined $15,000
Prosecution outcome for Brett Evans
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Brett Iven Evans
Court and judge/magistrate:Mount Isa District Court (Justice Dearden)
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 265-25(3)(a) CATSI Act (35 charges)
Sentenced to 4 years, 6 months imprisonment with a non-parole period of 20 months; ordered to repay a total of $421,378.20 to Mirndiyan Gununa Aboriginal Corporation, the deceased estate of Sally Gabori, and 7 other artists (including one deceased estate).
Prosecution outcome for Buru Ngunawal Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 4005)
Court and judge/magistrate:Emerald Magistrates Court
Legislative provision/s breached
1. s. 330-10(1) CATSI Act
2. s. 348–1(1) CATSI Act
Convicted and fined $2500 for each offence, ie $5000
Prosecution outcome for Mawurli and Wirriwangkuma Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2188)
Criminal prosecutions
Prosecution outcome for:Mawurli and Wirriwangkuma Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2188)
Court and judge/magistrate:Darwin Local Court
Legislative provision/s breached
s. 348-1(1) CATSI Act
Convicted and fined $1000
Prosecution outcome for Abul Fazad Mohammed Abdus Shahid
Civil proceedings
Prosecution outcome for:Abul Fazad Mohammed Abdus Shahid
Court and judge/magistrate:Federal Court, Perth (Justice Barker)
Legislative provision/s breached
ss. 265-1, 265-5, 265-10 CATSI Act
Disqualified from managing corporations for 7 years; fined $100,000; ordered to pay compensation of $207,956.75 to the corporation; order to pay costs.
Prosecution outcome for Ashley Taylor
Civil proceedings
Prosecution outcome for:Ashley Taylor
Court and judge/magistrate:Federal Court, Perth (Justice Barker)
Legislative provision/s breached
ss. 265-1, 265-5, 265-10 CATSI Act
Disqualified from managing corporations for 7 years; fined $250,000; ordered to pay compensation of $182,527.41 to the corporation; order to pay costs.
Prosecution outcome for Yawarra Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 958)